Ron Johnson went on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd with an agenda of pushing the Hunter Biden distraction. Todd quickly confronted RoJo about his singular obsession about Hunter Biden and asked why he wasn't equally concerned about Jared Kushner and his scandal of taking money from a foreign government while working in the Trump administration.
You can see RoJo getting nonplussed, then angry, and then trying to bluster Todd into backing down by having a shouting over Todd, and having a tantrum as he accused Todd of inviting him on the show only to argue with him.
To Todd's credit, he had a rare moment of spinal fortitude and gave as good as he got to RoJo, saying,
We're trying to deal with issues and facts. You can go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want. I understand it's part of your identity.
You know that Todd scored a direct hit because it sure didn't take RoJo long at all to take to Twitter to mewl about it:

Todd wasn't wrong, you know. It probably goes a long way to explain why RoJo never meets with the public anymore either.