Despite falling on their faces, Trump and his supporters are still getting everything they wanted out of the media from the Durham report.
May 20, 2023

Donald Trump and his Republican party supporters have now totally failed in their attempt to cover up for his massive Russia corruption through the catastrophically inept John Durham special counsel investigation. But despite falling on their faces, they're still getting everything they ever wanted out of the media from the Durham report. Headlines from mainstream media sources further confuse the public and cloud the issue, just as Trump, William, Barr, and all of their MAGA cronies wanted.

This video explains the three key things that you need to know about the Durham investigation. First, it explains exactly where it all came from, the massive number of connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, and the way that Trump happily accepted Russia's attack on our country and then tried to cover it all up.

Second, it shows exactly why Trump and Attorney General Barr turned to the Durham investigation as a smokescreen to muddy the waters on everything Trump had done.

Third, it shows how badly the Durham investigation fell apart.

Finally, it exposes how the credulous media, knowing all of this background, decided to report on Durham's insinuations and outright lies as a straight story, confusing the public, reigniting Trump's conspiracy theories, and serving the interests of the most corrupt person to ever occupy the presidency.

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