December 15, 2023

Scandal-plagued Bridget and Christian Ziegler aren't going to leave their positions quietly. The school board voted 4-1 in favor of Bridget resigning, with Ziegler voting against the measure, but she has refused to step down. Her husband, Christian Ziegler, will only step down if given a massive payout of $2 million.

Even Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has asked for Ziegler to step down even though the Florida Republican was previously a fan of his and Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler, both of whom had allegedly been involved in a sexual relationship with another woman. By the way, the Moms for Liberty couple is staunchly anti-gay even though Bridget was in a bisexual relationship via a three-way sexual encounter/s with her husband and the unnamed woman.

According to what sources told Florida Politics, Christian Ziegler isn't leaving unless he's paid a fortune. You know, just as Jesus would do.

Via Florida Politics:

The demand comes as the political leader remains under investigation for rape and involved in a scandal making national headlines.

Multiple sources confirm Ziegler has asked for a massive payout — one source said $2 million — to go away. Officials within the state party confirmed emissaries for Ziegler approached the party on his behalf.

But one RPOF official said the party is in no position to offer Ziegler any money. Another was skeptical any request would be entertained because the party already set a process in motion to force Ziegler out of power.

Ziegler has denied seeking such a payout.

No one would have given a shit about the couple's alleged Christian-swinging lifestyle, but the hypocrisy is stunning. However, they fit right in with the evangelical right.

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