June 28, 2024

She ordered National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border three times, but MAGAt Gov. Kristi Noem doesn't want to send troops to flood-ravaged areas in her own state of South Dakota. She says it would be “extremely expensive” and that the Guard should only be used for “a very crisis situation.” You know, like scoring political points at the border? Via the Nebraska Examiner:

Meanwhile, her spokesman left open the possibility that the Guard “may still be utilized.”

The South Dakota Democratic Party is urging Noem to deploy the Guard to help with relief efforts after the past week’s record rainfall and flooding.

“While the governor’s decisions to send National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border may have been intended as a political statement, it is imperative that our state’s resources are directed toward addressing the immediate and pressing needs of our residents,” the party said Thursday in a news release.

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