"Out of an abundance of caution, I've directed funds to be released from the Response and Recovery Fund ahead of the Great American Eclipse," Sanders said.
April 8, 2024

Gov. Sanders urged everyone to remain calm, that the eclipse was a natural phenomenon, and that her declaration was just a precautionary move. However, in the unlikely event it really is the end of days, and the rivers fill with blood, the sky starts raining frogs, mass livestock die-offs occur, etc, then it's every man for himself.

Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday declared a state of emergency related to Monday's total solar eclipse and released $100,000 to assist with the state's response.

The emergency declaration waives certain federal restrictions on commercial traffic for up to 14 days, "so long as the motor carrier or driver is providing direct assistance in response to the declared emergency."

Sanders' executive order declaring the emergency cites the expected influx of visitors and the "backlog of deliveries by commercial vehicles transporting essential items of commerce" that could result.

"Out of an abundance of caution, I've directed funds to be released from the Response and Recovery Fund ahead of the Great American Eclipse," Sanders said in a news release Friday night.

"This will assist commercial carriers transporting essential items to customers in Arkansas during the eclipse. We want to make sure Arkansans and all visitors have an enjoyable experience and come back again and again."

Hard not to disagree with the sentiment expressed below.

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