Republicans Move Their Convention To... Ho Chi Minh City?
Ho Chi Minh CityCredit: RNC screengrab
June 5, 2024

Because nothing says competence quite like using a foreign city instead of Milwaukee on your convention website, right?

Source: Heartland Signal

The Republican National Convention (RNC) is set to be held in Milwaukee on July 15; however, the convention’s website featured a banner image of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam for several months.

Boston Globe reporter Sam Brodey flagged the blunder on X on Tuesday morning.

The image appears to be an iStock photo posted by Diversity Studio in 2019. Shortly after Brodey’s post, the website’s image changed to a proper one of Milwaukee. A screenshot of the website with Ho Chi Minh City was captured by the Internet Archive’s WayBackMachine, showing that the image was on the RNC website since at least February 2024.

Former President Donald Trump is expected to officially win the Republican nomination at the convention, which will be held at the Fiserv Forum arena from July 15-18.

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