June 23, 2024

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey told Stuart Varney on Fox Business that his constituents have a right to see Trump running for president, and so his New York felony convictions should be overturned.

The MAGA cult continues to take ludicrous and pathetic actions in honor of convicted felon 45.

Varney: On what grounds are you suing them?

Bailey: Well, the state of Missouri and the voters of Missouri have a sovereign interest in having access to, that means physical access to and hearing from a presidential candidate for the top office in the United States government.

And you've got leftists in blue states committing lawfare, unfounded lawfare against President Trump and denying Missourians of access to their chosen presidential candidate.

Millions and millions of Missourians have voted for President Trump and deserve the ability to be able to hear from him.

We can't let states like New York deny Missourians of access to that candidate.

When a jury of any state convicts a person of a crime(s), it's the criminal that is denying access to his personhood, not the state.

Don't commit crimes.

Where in any code book or the US Constitution does it say a presidential candidate is immune from being prosecuted and convicted of a crime?

Bailey is rivaling the stupidity of Texas' Atty. Gen Ken Paxton.

Did these people even get a law degree?

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