March 17, 2011

Magic Pop Hotel's Carolyn Evan and Jean-Baptiste Ayoub. The lighter shade of dark.

Magic Pop Hotel are a duo consisting of Carolyn Evan and Jean-Baptiste Ayoub. Based in Paris and around since 2008, they've been gradually building up a following (via clubs, gigs, MySpace and Soundcloud) and their pastiche of electronica/sythn-Pop/trip-hop has a nice appeal to it.

Tonights track, Sweet Smelling Night comes from 2009 and even since then their material has been evolving and getting darker, aligning their sound more to Portishead of late. This earlier track is sweetly deceptive and I was torn between posting this or posting something more recent. But I decided to go with this track and play some of their more recent material in the coming weeks.

Interesting grumblings from the Parisian Electronica contingent. I suspect there's more where that came from.

As always, check them out and support them where you can. They have several pages to choose from, but their MySpace page has additional tracks to check out.

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