A week full of discoveries in the most unexpected places. Tonight it's from Paris, but if I didn't tell you that, you wouldn't know since they don't' sing a word of French. Pokket are a band who have nailed down the Shoegaze/Alternative/Pop/folk/acoustic genre exceedingly well and have turned in this little masterpiece, Someone You Know, which is off their 2010 album Three Free Trees.
Delightfully catchy and just a little over 2 minutes, it has all those elements of a nicely crafted song that goes exactly where it needs to go and does exactly what it's supposed to do. Not a song that asks all the burning questions of life and it's meaning, but it doesn't need to. It is a good, well produced, well sung track that stands nicely on its own and I hope it's just the beginning of what sounds like a great future for this band.
I predict. Maybe you will too.
Check them out on Soundcloud and visit them on MySpace.