The Daily Show's Jon Stewart let House Republicans have it for the dangerous game of chicken they're playing with our economy by forcing a government shutdown over "Obamacare," and he also let the media have it for playing their typical game of "both sides do it."
“I offer a pox on both their houses when appropriate,” Stewart chided. “But this is not a game of chicken. This is when someone is driving to work and there’s a car coming directly at them in their lane. That’s not a game of chicken — that’s an as*hole causing a head-on collision.”
Stewart also said GOP members were hurting their own case by complaining over the weekend about the White House seemingly having an easier time opening up a dialogue with Iran than with their party.
“You’re not helping yourself,” Stewart offered. “If it turns out that President Barack Obama can made a deal with the most intransigent, hardline, unreasonable, totalitarian Mullahs in the world, but not with Republicans, maybe he’s not the problem.”
Amen to that. Thank you Jon Stewart for dissecting that ridiculous talking point for us. It's about time someone did.