Oh lookie here. Apparently Rachel Maddow loves the C-SPAN. As a part time C-SPAN junkie and fellow geek myself I can relate. Apparently after her show contacted them about the missing footage of John McCain cutting off Sen. Mark Dayton and objecting to him having another thirty seconds to debate the Iraq war, they went back to their original analog tapes and reposted the footage on their web site.
Maddow: Either Sen. McCain cannot remember that he objected to a Senator getting an extra thirty seconds to finish his remarks during the Iraq war debate or Sen. McCain knows perfectly well that this stuff happens in the Senate. It happens. And he just said it was unprecedented out of sheer hackitude.
Good for Rachel and her staff for following up on this. John McCain, thy name is hypocrite. Hackitude indeed. Hackitude and anger management problems. My apologies again for thinking Tweety had this and Rachel missed it.