C&Lers Tony and Karen emailed me this tidbit and I thought I would share. Please take a look at the RNC website - http://www.rnc.org/ On the righ
February 7, 2009
CallTalkRadio_4c79f.jpg C&Lers Tony and Karen emailed me this tidbit and I thought I would share.
Please take a look at the RNC website - http://www.rnc.org/ On the right hand side is a link that goes to a list of all of the right wing radio shows, along with a plea to promote the RNC. The Bush administration was constantly denying that talk radio was just another arm of their party. The RNC seems to have given up this pretense. It was blatant government propaganda for eight years. Sickening!
Is there any doubt that Rush Limbaugh rules the GOP? Michael Steele has to beg for help from wingnut talk radio. How embarrassing. GOP-TalkRadio_46ae8.jpg

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