Via Raw Story, this interesting news. Those silly gay people somehow got the crazy idea that being faithful Democrats and pouring oodles of money in the state party's coffers would actually earn legislators' support on their issues:
The largest gay-rights advocacy group in New Jersey has announced it will no longer give money to the Democratic Party.
The move follows the state legislature's failure last month to legalize gay marriage and amid growing signs that the effort to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is already faltering.
"No political party has a record good enough on LGBT civil rights that it can rightfully claim to be entitled to our money on a party-wide basis," said the chairman of Garden State Equality, Steven Goldstein, as quoted at
“No longer will we let any political party take our money and volunteers with one hand, and slap us in the face with the other when we seek full equality," Goldstein added.