Brit Hume was not happy with the "O'Reilly Plan" for immigration reform, and he let him know it on Fox News Monday night. BillO has been on a tear against immigrant children who have come across the border ever since a news report came out discussing immigrant children seeking refuge in America.
In his Talking Points segment tonight, Bill O’Reilly tossed aside Judeo-Christian tenets and announced we just can’t afford to feed and care for the 50,000 immigrant children who have overwhelmed U.S. border resources. Kirsten Powers pushed back magnificently. “There was no ‘but’ in the Bible,” she said. And “I never heard you say we can’t afford to invade Iraq.”
Monday night, O'Reilly pressed his desire to militarize the southern border along with building a massive fence to keep them out in his Talking Points memo section. Later on in the same broadcast during O'Reilly's "Hume Zone" segment, Bill kept up his attacks on "the children of immigrants," while promoting using the National Guard to keep out the undesirables and Brit Hume very clearly got pissed off at his xenophobic ideas.
Not only did he abhor O'Reilly's military plans against "the kids," he trashed the idea that they would all become part of BillO's new underclass in America.
O'Reilly: Here's the deal. You could militarize that border and you could secure that border.
Hume: Bill suppose you militarize that border and a bunch of kids are coming across, what are you going to do, shoot them?
O'Reilly: They wouldn't get in because there would be a wall and a barrier there and they wouldn't get in.
Hume: In other words you'd have a giant wall across our entire southern border to stop the children from coming in?
O'Reilly: To stop everybody from coming.
Hume: I understand that, so that's the O'Reilly plan?
O'Reilly: Also...I'd secure that border so you couldn't get a jet ski and drive up and get off and walk in. Yes I would, am I a mean guy for doing that?
Hume: Well, if you walk up to an immigration checkpoint in Mexico and turn yourself in, you'd change the law so these people would simply turn back into Mexico?
O'Reilly: Absolutely I would.
Hume: Well the point to make about that is the immigration proposals that as I understand them before the Congress right now won't change that.
O'Reilly: No, and I don't think there's a Democrat in the country that would vote for it, because it would be inhumane, but your alternative is what you have now. which is this mass chaos......The kids are the victims, you're creating an underclass.
Hume: This is a cruel way to look at it, Bill, but I would seriously doubt with these particular kids coming as far as they have in facing the difficulties that hey have that they're going to become the underclass. These are probably the most able kids that are reaching our border.
O'Reilly: This is not a great time to assimilate millions of refugees into America and you know it.
Hume: Well the numbers we're talking about about these immigrant children do not number in the millions and probably will not.
O'Reilly: They will..
Hume: I don't think so
O'Reilly: Word is out now.
Hume: You really think millions of people are going to make it through Mexico
O'Reilly: Damn well right.
Hume: Through Mexico from Central America? I seriously doubt it.
If Brit Hume seriously doubts Bill O'Reilly's menacing immigration proposals, then what will the people not included in the Bill O'Reilly Demographic think?