Kellyanne Conway has been remarkably quiet this week. Eerily so. She had a bang up few weeks, so it wasn't a complete shock that she dropped out of the limelight for a bit. Here are some of the highlights of just the last few weeks:
She introduced a new word for lies: alternative facts.. Merriam Webster, the dictionary, even trolled her online:

She was completely dressed down by her alma mater, Trinity University, in an open letter from the President on the school's website.
Her final egregious mistake, the one that may have been the reason we haven't seen her face on tv in a week or so, was when she went on tv and hocked Ivanka's goods during an official White House interview.
Since that last snafu, she has been quiet. Oh, except for this insane SNL bit where they showed her to be as craven and stalkerish as Glenn Close's character in Fatal Attraction.
Oh, and let's not forget the Bowling Green Massacre. #WeStandWithBowlingGreen.
So where is Kellyanne? CNN appears to have her on the "do not book list" and Morning Joe has even blacklisted her. Who's next?
Few seem to mind not seeing her face anymore.
Oh well, I am sure she will crop up somewhere. Maybe she is off in some netherworld, sucking the souls out of innocent children and drinking the blood of vampires to try to regenerate her cells so she looks more human. Who knows.
My question is this: who is next? Miller Goebbels? Sean Spicey?