Ziaspace highlights Video not currently available On This Week with George Stephanopoulos: George: This war has not been won has it? Card: The war
December 18, 2004

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On This Week with George Stephanopoulos:

George: This war has not been won has it?

Card: The war has been (run)...won, but the opportunity for democracy is still being fought.

George: The insurgents seem to be able to attack at will.

Card: Well they are attacking, but they are not attacking all of the people all of the time.

What the hell is he saying? They are attacking most of the people most of the time! Najaf, Karbala Car Bombs Kill at Least 60 today, forty deaths just yesterday and an Iraqi official just the other day is what I would consider a huge death toll, and a multitude of attacks.

It gets worse..

Card: They are running timid campaigns to try and intimidate people from participating in democracy...

How can he call the attacks and deaths of our troops and Iraqi trained police timid campaigns? Our building an Iraqi police force is paramount for the U.S. to leave Iraq.

On Rumsfeld:

Card: He is doing a spectacular job...

Okay, Andrew and Sean Hannity are the only people that might believe that. Can I have some of that Kool Aid too?

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