Steve Gilliard nails it... "Brown is an ordinary candidate who's yellow streak has already shown itself. I mean, he could have run before Hackett said
October 20, 2005

Steve Gilliard nails it... "Brown is an ordinary candidate who's yellow streak has already shown itself. I mean, he could have run before Hackett said a word. He only jumped in when he realized the odds were pro-Dem. Of course people want a seasoned pol to take what looks like a ripe seat. But the fact is that Hackett, despite his lack of experience, has a much better message to take into a cripped state and national GOP. And he was willing to run when the odds were high, when Brown punked out.

But here's something Brown better realize. Paul Hackett earned his support. Just because you hire a few bloggers doesn't mean you have the thing sown up. Paul Hackett has a nationwide, 15,000 list of contributors who like what he says and how he says it. We are not a piggy bank. You can't just throw up a few ads and say "support me". We need reasons to do the whole thing.

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