July 26, 2024

Trump's former economic advisor claimed that the only entity that matters to the US economy is business.

Larry Kudlow considered the rise of Kamala Harris's campaign, which has MAGA in panic mode.

Of course, because he's Larry Kudlow, he took Kamala on as an enemy of the extremely wealthy. Larry also took the opportunity to bash the working class and unions, including a swipe at the teachers union as the 'most regressive anti-kids, anti-education force in the country.'

What a charmer.

LARRY KUDLOW: I saw some of this speech. I didn't see all of it.

But there she is, hammering away, we got to raise taxes on wealthy people and successful individuals and businesses.

By the way, businesses create jobs, unions don't create jobs, businesses create jobs of all kinds.

Donald Trump's going to do very well in the union vote.

As Kellyanne said, she had a chance to come out for a school choice.

She rejected that in favor of coming out for the teachers unions.

The teacher's unions are among the most regressive, difficult, anti-kids, anti-education forces in this country in their far-left views of all this.

So I agree she's getting a bump now.

Yes, she's getting a media bump.

She's getting a liberal media bump.

But she's coming out four square on the far left.

That's just make that as plain as can be.

And there's a lot more where that came from.

And it isn't going to be good.

Big business couldn't function without a workforce, Mr. MAGA dummy.

By the way, people create jobs. People create small businesses, then bigger businesses, until they reach the corporate level, and so on. Unions help people get their fair share from greedy fucks like Kudlow and to live lives and maybe start families. They create an ecosystem and a synergy that supports the whole of the business and the workers.

Public schools and teachers are the bedrock of education without having greed and shareholders fuck over children.

The country received no benefits from Trump's horrific tax cuts except for people like Kudlow.

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