July 26, 2024

Not really sure what to say here, but....Thank you MAGA! Thank you Republican Party! Thank you Donald Trump! Thank you Donald Trump Jr.! Thank you Elon Musk! Thank you crazy, old cult-loving, under-educated, 4,000 sq ft basket of deplorables! And thank YOU JD Vance!

Thank you all for deciding to pick this numbnuts, John DeSantis Vance as your vice presidential candidate. And thank you, JD Vance, for wanting to do it, and being the most unlikable d*k this side of Ted Cruz. A virtual event horizon for charisma. You guys are doin great!!

PS If you enjoyed this video of my Cincinnati neighbor and certified woman hater and couch humper, JD Vance, Subscribe to Cliff's Edge, where we'll be making videos like this on him and his head-injury IQ'd GOP brethren!

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