Not so fast Mr. Rove Jane debunks the latest spin from Rove's lawyer. I knew the CNN story made no sense at all. How could Fitzmas confuse who Vivec
December 1, 2005

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Not so fast Mr. Rove

Jane debunks the latest spin from Rove's lawyer. I knew the CNN story made no sense at all. How could Fitzmas confuse who Viveca Novak leaked to? All in all, Rove is still knee deep in it and his lawyer is trying to spin the media. I guess he feels he's earning his "jack" this way. It makes no difference if Luskin came in and testifies that Viveca told him instead of Rove.

The bottom line is that as soon as she sang like a canary, Rove changed his tune. (bad B-movie jargon required)

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