Frank Rich: Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up?
Rich via NY Times:(reg req.) "His mission was not to protect our country but to prevent the airing of administration dirty laundry, including leaks detailing how the White House ignored accurate C.I.A. intelligence on Iraq before the war. Journalists and whistle-blowers who relay such government blunders are easily defended against the charge of treason. It's often those who make the accusations we should be most worried about. Mr. Goss, a particularly vivid example, should not escape into retirement unexamined. He was so inept that an overzealous witch hunter might mistake him for a Qaeda double on"
Here's a little more from E&P...
Some people asked me to re-post Rich's new book information again:
"In The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina (September, Penguin Press), a scathing rebuke of the current administration’s definition of "truth," New York Times columnist Frank Rich examines the propaganda misinformation of the Bush era."
You can pre-order a copy here.