Wolf, please have your facts straight.
Nancy was on The Situation Room with Blitzer yesterday to discuss several issues including the Democrats' "New Direction" plan which includes: "increasing the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour from $5.15, grant authority to the secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate lower prescription-drug prices with pharmaceutical companies for those in Medicare's drug program and cut student-loan interest rates -- rising to 6.8% in July -- by half....read on"
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Wolf immediately tried to play the gotcha game as he brought up Hoyer's old quote about the Iraq which isn't relevant to the debate any longer. Blitzer's problem is that he didn't know how old the quote was. Russert has the date next to his when he uses that technique so he might try that next time.
BLITZER: All right. You're -- and there is a debate within the Democratic Party, because Democrats are -- there are moderate Democrats, more liberal Democrats. They seem to be all over the place as well.
PELOSI: But Democrats agree that 2006 must be a year of serious, significant transition. And the president...
BLITZER: Well, let me interrupt you on that point, because Steny Hoyer, who is the number-two Democrat in the House, he says this.
Let me read it to you. He says: "A precipitous withdrawal of American forces from that country could lead to a disaster, spawning a civil war, fostering a haven for terrorists, and damaging our nation's security and credibility."
PELOSI: Now, when did he say that?
BLITZER: Steny Hoyer said that in recent weeks.
PELOSI: No, no. He said that last fall. He said that last fall.
BLITZER: Well, we will double-check the exact time he said that.
PELOSI: He said that last fall.
PELOSI: Yes. Well, it -- the -- but there are milestones that, if they are achieved, then we should be able to move on, because we have just passed the mile -- the sad milestone of 2,500 American troops died, 20,000 injured, 10,000 of those permanently, an enormous cost in reputation to us in the world, enormous impact on our readiness to protect America's interests and our security at home or wherever our interests are threatened, enormous cost in dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars, a trillion-dollar war before it's over.
Now there is some important defections in the Black Caucus over Jefferson...