The Belgravia Dispatch: The neocon's gross amateurism, resulting in this, this, this, and this. Yet they celebrate the calamity with crude agitprop while their zombie-like supporters excoriate those who maintain young men and women would rather not fight wars. Meanwhile, Jim Henley concludes that the lraq Study Group's report will prove to be an eight-month circle jerk.
The Debate Link: Whistleblowers often face harassment at best and career destruction at worst, and the law seems unable to help them.
Political Animal: An examination of John McCain's actual views on the issues reveals a man who has seemingly learned nothing from the Iraq debacle and who is decidedly out of step with the views of at least two-thirds of the country.
BAGnewsNotes: Take a look at how the NYT chose to write up this tale of Saddam’s Weapons of Minimal Destruction
Morning Martini: Report from the front line in the War on Retail
HOLY CRAP: Jeff Sharlet on how fundamentalists are "reimagining" American history...Madonna on the Cross, Again...Claremont Institute tussles over ID...Mitt's magical underwear