On Monday's Hannity & Colmes, conservative talk show blowhard Hugh Hewitt whitewashed Mitt Romney's flip-flop past and spread outright falsehoods (i.e. lies) about the problems he may face due to his Mormonism.
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According to the Cowardly Lion, Mitt's religious problems won't be with people like Pat Robertson who preach that Mormonism is a "cult," but rather with the "anti-Mormon bigots on the left." The problem? Those pesky "facts" suggest that it's Republicans that have more of a problem with Mormons than do Democrats/Independents. WaPo's Chris Cillizza breaks down the subsamples of the Gallup poll we posted about last month:
"Romney's challenge is to convince Republicans -- not the American public at-large -- that his Mormonism shouldn't be an issue. Among the GOP sub-sample, 66 percent told USA Today/Gallup that they would support a Mormon candidate, while 30 percent said they would not (77 percent of independents and 72 percent of Democrats said they could back a Mormon)."
Evangelicals view Mormonism as a perverision of Christianity. To put one in the White House would, as Amy Sullivan points out in a highly worth reading article in Washington Monthly, "be to place a stamp of approval on that faith." The "anti-Mormon bigots on the left" are much less likely to have that sort of litmus test standard.
And although Hewitt claims that Romney has been entirely consistent on his social views (after saying "flip flopping was invented by the liberal media" (to do what? attack liberal John Kerry?)), well, we'll just let this speak for itself.
(h/t to NewsHounds who has more.)