I told you that Warner is not to be trusted and is saying now that he'll not vote for Webb's cause. Typical, just typical.
"I endorsed it. I intend now to cast a vote against it."
We expect this from McCain because his whole dysfunctional campaign is hinging on the Iraq war...This "Frank Luntz" talking point nonsense is destroying our country. And they are screwing Webb in the process.
McCain said he and Sen. John Warner (R-VA) have teamed up to put together a “sense of the Senate” amendment to express “very clearly that we all want all our troops home and we understand the stress and strain that’s been inflicted on the men and women in the military and the guard and reserves.”
Webb: I have just learned from Sen. McCain’s comments that Sen. Warner will be offering a side-by-side amendment that goes to the sense of the Congress rather than the will of the Congress. And I would like to state emphatically at the outset that this is a situation that calls for the will of the Congress.
Keep the pressure on and call your representatives. Especially Harry Reid.