(guest blogged by Bill W.)
... which is funded by far left dollars."
Oh, those far left dollars! Soda and change machines will never take those damn things. Falafel Boy defends Rush Limbaugh, although he leaves himself some wiggle room seeing as he "didn't hear it" and was working off of transcripts (although it's a good guess not the complete ones from the Media Matters site) with guest Brian Maloney of RadioEqualizer, who was certainly looking to score some points with the Big Giant Head.
More threats:
" ... it's very disturbing what's happening in this country, Mr. Maloney, and we are trying to get Rush Limbaugh on this program tomorrow to talk about it because I think we now need to go on the counter-attack and knock these people out, because this isn't freedom of speech. This is rank defamation."
Rush on tomorrow? Just kill me now and get it over with.