Hello, all ye scamps and scoundrels of Crooks and Liars. I'm your round-up guest host for the week, Melissa McEwan, otherwise known as Shakespeare's Sister (that's a Smiths' and Woolf reference, not an egregious bit of braggadocio, cheeky gits!), the bare-knuckled proprietress of Shakesville—a group blog absolutely chock-a-block with shameless purveyors of libertine feminism and the radical gay agenda. Buckle up; off we go…
An Angry Black Bitch has a Very Good Question about the unholy marriage between corporations and the US government—and ponders how it relates to the suspension of habeas corpus.
Blowvember is shaping up to give Cocktober a run for its money as sex-drenched conservative scandals continue to roll like clockwork. As always, Blogenfreude is your go-to guy for the running tally.
Relatedly, Libby Spencer finds herself suffering sex scandal fatigue, while Pam Spaulding catches up with Bob Allen and Senator Larry Craig's alleged boytoy, David Phillips.
Meanwhile, outside the closet, where lion-hearted LGBTQers seek protection from this charming Moral Majority, the legislative journey of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) continues to be controversial, as the Senate version will also exclude gender identity. Autumn Sandeen provides a great round-up of recent ENDA viewpoints.
In other news, there appears to be some sort of presidential campaign going on, and nobody seems to like anyone. Steve M. remembers why he loathes Joe Biden, Jill grouses about Hillary's campaign plant, and Mustang Bobby kicks around Giuliani and his BFF Bernie.
Finally, if you've got that Sciencey cum Christmassy feeling, go visit PZ, who's got the latest in the War on Christmas. For Sciencey cum Islamofascisty, Mike the Mad Biologist is your next stop.
That's all for today. Seeya tomorrow! If you've got any hot tips, email me at shakespeares_sister at Comcast dot net.