The NY Times has the latest from the ever changing Iraq narrative from BushCo. So, what are we fighting for?
With American military successes outpacing political gains in Iraq, the Bush administration has lowered its expectation of quickly achieving major steps toward unifying the country, including passage of a long-stymied plan to share oil revenues and holding regional elections.
There have been signs that American influence over Iraqi politics is dwindling after the recent improvements in Will the US then stage a coup and oust Maliki to put in a Chalabi type puppet in his place? This war and their supporters represent the term "absurd" in the extreme. security — which remain incomplete, as shown by a deadly bombing Friday in Baghdad. While Bush officials once said they aimed to secure “reconciliation” among Iraq’s deeply divided religious, ethnic and sectarian groups, some officials now refer to their goal as “accommodation.” on
So now their goals have changed to one of accommodation. It's CRAZY TALK@! Bush wants this war to continue so that when he leaves leave office he can hope that Michael Gerson writes the official version for all our history books. It's all about his legacy, you see. What a joke.
I've been saving the above clip for a few weeks now and I think this is the right time to post it. On 10/14/07, Lindsey Graham (CNN's Late Edition) said that if by the end of the year---the elected government of Iraq, run by Maliki---doesn't get the job done he should be removed. WTF?
BLITZER: ...But what happens if they fail to divide up the oil, if they fail to get those elections, they don't disband all the various militias by the end of the year? Then what does the United States do?
GRAHAM: ...So I am hopeful that some of these people at the local level will have a stronger voice. And I'm hopeful that Talabani, Maliki, and Hashemi and all the major players can have a breakthrough.
I'm asking them to do things they say are important for their country. The conditions are right now and, quite honestly, if they can't do it by the end of the year, I have real doubts that this group will ever do it so we need a new political strategy to find a group that can.
Find a group that can? Ladies and Gentlemen this is a major clusterf*&k and the scaled down violence is only an excuse to perpetuate this atrocity. Will the US then stage a coup and oust Maliki to put in a Chalabi type puppet in his place? This war and their supporters represent the term "absurd" in the extreme.