Wednesday on Live with Dan Abrams, MSNBC analyst Pat Buchanan was on the set with Democratic strategist Keli Goff and Air America's Rachel Maddow to discuss the Geraldine Ferraro controversy. Buchanan has gotten a lot of face time on MSNBC during the primary season and it's quite obvious after watching this clip that he's in dire need of a vacation.
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Buchanan, who took Ferraro's side, reiterated the ridiculous claim that Barack Obama's race is whats propelling his campaign and that the only reason he was allowed to give the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention was because he was black. Goff took exception to that statement and as she was calling him out for it, things turned nasty and Buchanan lost his cool -- and paid a heavy price for it.
Buchanan:"In Iowa and New Hampshire, there aren't that many black folks. He skipped Michigan, the first big contest besides South Carolina -
Goff: "Because he's black?"
Buchanan:"HOLD IT!" [cross talk] Shut up for a second, please!"
Goff:"Excuse me, don't talk to me like that, Pat. That's inappropriate. [snip]
Maddow:"First of all I would just say, as a matter of procedure here, Pat, I've been on television with you a million times and I've never heard you tell anybody to shut up before. That was absolutely, completely ridiculous of you. Second of all, tell me about how the black vote explains Obama's win in Utah."