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Stephen Colbert bids goodbye to Fox's John Gibson and MSNBC's Tucker Carlson on news of their cancelled cable shows and wonders who will cover the "Big Stories" like Elliot Spitzer's resignation. Speaking of which, Colbert also wonders if he didn't play a part in Spitzer's downfall:
Now, like most really important stories, this one involves me. Let’s look at the Spitzer timeline. On Feb. 12th, the governor places calls setting up his liaison. Feb. 13th, he meets the prostitute in the Mayflower Hotel in Washington for a little game of “hide the integrity.” But look what happened in between those two events on the night of Feb. 12th. He appeared on my show! I just feel so dirty. Evidently, I am the meat in a Spitzer sandwich. By the way, a Spitzer sandwich will cost you $5500. And folks, you know, to be fair, maybe this is my fault. I tried to give him the “Colbert Bump” but I might have accidentally given him the “Colbert Bumpin’ Uglies.”