I remember just after the '04 election and Bush was standing on his pulpit talking about spending all this "political capital" he now owned. And he was going to spend some of it on fixing Social Security. By fix, he meant privatize it, which would have destroyed it much like Bear Stearns got obliterated. The media man crush love for Bush was oozing out of most of the fish wraps and TV sets. MSNBC almost immediately hired Tucker Carlson to prove to Bush that they did indeed love him dearly.
Anyway, all the liberal blogs stuck together and said no way. The idiot media talking heads were screaming at the Democratic Party to come up with some ideas to fix Social Security or it would be bankrupt by 2018 or something. They stood fast and as Duncan points out, it was Nancy Pelosi that told them to shove it.
Dirty f*&king hippie bloggers knew how this game worked, that if the Democrats offered a plan they'd ensure that something would happen and that something would inevitably be pretty much what Bush wanted. Our plan was to not offer any plan, and in fact go nuclear on any Dem who did try to offer a plan.
As the spring of 2005 wore on, some pestered her every week, asking when they were going to release a rival plan. Never. Is never good enough for you?" Pelosi defiantly said to one member
Bush went on his Social Security tour and a funny thing happened. Americans loved Social Security more than Conservatives thought. It's the most hated program from FDR's new deal that Conservatives were trying to dismantle and they figured this would be their only chance to destroy it once and for all. The more Bush toured and shouted his lies about it to his hand picked loyalist crowds that gathered around him, the worse it did in the opinion polls. And that was that.
On the 78th day of a 60-day roadshow, the president's nationwide Social Security tour, even to some of his own aides, has the feel of a past-its-prime Broadway production that has been held over while other, newer shows steal the spotlight.