Watching the media react to Gen. Wesley Clark was a sight to be seen. The McCain camp basically just had to sit there and laugh at what was happening. Why bother issuing statements and whatnot when major news analysts like Andrea Mitchell can do their work for them? And this blog post about McCain being a Manchurian Candidate by who else--The Politico---didn't help either.
Andrea furiously threw it in Clark's face as if he wrote it himself. She also accused Clark of being part of a coordinated effort to attack McCain's military record.
Andrea: Well, let me point out that some of the critics from the republican side have pointed out that there seems to be an organized campaign and whether or not you played into this that also on Sunday a liberal blogger...on Americablog wrote...
First of all there's a factual issue because no one has proved that to my satisfaction that John McCain ever did any propaganda for the enemy...
He was an extraordinary man...
Then she dishonestly brings up the MoveOn ad to link it to McCain's military service. That's just a flat out lie. Shame on you, Andrea. Clark rightfully shot back at Mitchell:
Mitchell: Now, I know that John McCain...
Clark: Andrea, that doesn't say anything about his military career. That asks about John McCain's judgment and I think that's a very legitimate issue...
Andrea, Wesley Clark deserves a little respect, don't you think? You can be sure John never asked Obama's campaign if he should write that post. And Obama's people never asked Webb, MoveOn, Clark or any of us to write or say anything either. The message has been sent, people. Do not mess with McCain. I'm sure John McCain thanks you very much, Andrea. A job well done. McCain's Media strikes again. Here's more on them and Clark....Let's see her or the Villagers step up to defend Obama on anything. Won't happen. Remember how they defended his 100 year in Iraq comment?
Josh Marshall put together a nice compilation on the talking head "Hyperventorama" and outrage against Clark for your enjoyment.
As Digby explains:
Paul Waldman discusses the fact that McCain has successfully exploited his POW status for years with the willing help of his fans in the media. They go so far as to pretend he "never mentions" it, even though it pretty much defines the man...
Here's a perfect example of the phenomenon:
Brian Williams: You know what I thought was unsaid ---they took their position Chris, we're seeing the replay --- they end up in this spot and the sun is coming is just from the side and there in the shadow is John McCain's buckled, concave shoulder. It's a part of his body the suit doesn't fill out because of his war injuries. Again you wouldn't spot it unless you knew to look for it. He doesn't give the same full chested profile as the president standing next to him. Talk about a warrior.