And he's supposed to be a lefty pundit. Sometimes I think we need to clean out the whole crew. As for his substantive views, they do (now) closely re
July 23, 2008

And he's supposed to be a lefty pundit. Sometimes I think we need to clean out the whole crew.

As for his substantive views, they do (now) closely resemble Bush's. Yet the upside to a candidate who changes his philosophical orientation as often as McCain is that he could always switch back. While I certainly wouldn't recommend that anybody go so far as to vote for him on that basis, it still offers some grounds for hope. The Bush presidency is like being married to a sociopath. A McCain presidency would be more like being married to a drug addict -- however badly he behaves, he could always sober up.

Say, what?

Liberals tend to view the press's love affair with McCain as a wildly unfair act of bias. They have a point. On the other hand, they should take some heart in the fact that McCain obviously cherishes the approval of the mainstream (and even liberal) media. His accessibility to the press and public is something small-d democrats should cheer. McCain has conducted interviews with very liberal publications like on

We should love him because he's nice to the MSM. Please make it stop. A flashback to an old Digby post reveals much more wankery.

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