No matter what spin you may have heard, today's CBO report confirms the ACA has a positive effect on job creation and the federal budget.
February 4, 2014

Today's CBO report on the ACA was so bad for Republicans that they're spinning furiously to minimize the damage. While Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC's favorite GOP mouthpiece Chuck Todd intentionally misstate the report's findings to support repeal, the facts are there in black and white.

Lie #1: Obamacare Kills Jobs

What the CBO actually said:

CBO estimates that the ACA will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net, by about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024, almost entirely because workers will choose to supply less labor—given the new taxes and other incentives they will face and the financial benefits some will receive.

In English, that means people have more options for how they work, who they choose to work for, and what they choose to do without healthcare hanging over their head like a bludgeon waiting to kill them.

Yglesias gets specific:

I just gave you the story of how the ACA will cost the country one and a half FTE jobs. And it sounded like a good story. But aggregate all those happy stories of early retirements and shifts to part-time work, and it can look like a bad story.

Click through to see the stories. He's right on the money. They're not stories of moochers. They're your neighbors and friends.

As an aside, even Mr. all-too-careful-fair-and-balanced Glenn Kessler awarded the headlines three Pinnochios.

Lie #2: The Insurance Company 'Bailout'

Marco Rubio has been rumbling about holding the debt ceiling hostage in exchange for the repeal of the "risk adjustment corridor," which guarantees that insurers will not suffer losses of more than a certain percentage due to high-risk or high-cost insureds. The CBO confirms that repeal would cost the government $8 billion. Does Rubio really want to hold the debt ceiling hostage to increase the national debt?

Fox News' spin is entirely predictable, as is Chuck Todd's need to immediately present everything from a Republican viewpoint. It's more disappointing to see virtually every major online, broadcast and print media outlet immediately cast their fate with the "ACA Kills Jobs" meme without actually reading what the report said.

Here's the bottom line: Americans will no longer be trapped in a job just to provide coverage for their families, and have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Repeal THAT, GOP.

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