August 18, 2014

This past weekend the nation of Australia grimaced in sheer humiliation while their GWB-esque Prime Minister and clown car operator, Tony Abbott took a tour of Scotland. Forgetting his own nation, Australia, was once a British Protectorate, he vilified the cry for Scottish independence.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has swaggered up to the plate with the kind of spectacular gaffe that may well dominate the news cycle for days to come. In a recent interview with The Times, Abbott was drawn into a question about the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum, and it didn't go well.

A referendum with the question "Should Scotland be an independent country?" will be put to the people of Scotland in September 18, and if successful, it will result in the country breaking away from the United Kingdom. Abbott is not keen on this prospect. In fact, he more or less came out and said that those in favour of independence, or around half the Scottish population, are opposed to freedom and justice.

As we are painfully aware, Australia abolished the carbon tax on July 1st, the only nation as embarrassingly in denial of the settled science on man-made climate change as the USA. 70% of the media is owned by Murdoch, hence they suffer from Fox disinformation much like we do. The support for Scottish independence is up four points since Tony the Teabagger opened his blowhole.

H/T @Main_man on twitter.

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