September 1, 2014

One look at Nydia Tisdale should tell anyone with half a brain that she's hardly a physical threat to a couple of police officers with a gun. But that didn't stop them from forcibly ejecting her when Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens cracked a good ole boy joke about Michelle Nunn and noticed that he was caught on tape.

The force with which the police ejected her was so over the top that even the lady Republicans were appalled. And rightly so. TPM:

About 10 minutes later in the video, a hand aggressively blocked Tisdale's camera. The footage showed her being pushed out of the building and into an adjacent one. It was unclear who pushed her, but at some point a Dawson County sheriff's official appeared in the video.

Tisdale asked the official if she could get her purse to give him her identification.

"Nope, you're going to jail," the officer said in the video.

"I've been real nice, now you're going to jail for resisting arrest if you do not stop," the official said. By then, the sheriff's official had Tisdale with her hands behind her back pressed against a desk. He never identified himself in the video. Another man could be heard saying, "Will you please stop ma'am? We've asked you multiple times."

Dawson County Republican Party Chairwoman Linda Clary Umberger followed the official and Tisdale. In the video she was heard saying to Tisdale: "I am sorry that people are treating you this way. This is wrong."

The video ended with Tisdale face-down, saying that she had been given permission to tape the event.

And of course, this is totally acceptable good ole boy Boss Hawg conduct:

On Thursday, another Atlanta station, WGCL, reported that Tisdale is facing a felony charge of obstructing an officer. The Dawson County Sheriff's Office said Tisdale attacked the official, who was identified as Capt. Tony Wooten, while he was trying to arrest her. On Sunday, the Gainesville Times newspaper reported that Wooten had been cleared of any wrongdoing. Dawson County Sheriff Billy Carlisle said that an internal probe found that Wooten had followed protocol in arresting Tisdale.

Wait, she attacked that officer? She's got videotape. I don't see where she attacked anyone, but you can view all 20 minutes.

I don't see where she attacked anyone, do you? In fact, watching that smug SOB at about the 16:40 mark makes me shake with anger.

Ralph Hudgens, by the way, is the guy who blamed sick people for pre-existing conditions last year. He's a real jerk, and his henchmen aren't any better.

Where are all those First Amendment champions now?

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