July 27, 2024

Other than a Kamala Harris landslide in November (fingers crossed), there are few things I enjoy writing about more than a Democrat who sticks it to Fox News.

I think Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) did a very nice job of doing exactly that during his Friday appearance on The Story with Martha MacCallum. The lower-third banners tried to legitimize Donald Trump’s transparent attempt to wriggle out of the previously scheduled September 10th presidential debate. His campaign communications director, Steven Cheung, claimed it’s “inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.”

If Cheung doesn’t know that Democrats are so fully in support of Harris that she has already received enough delegate support to become the nominee, not to mention her record-breaking fundraising, then he should quit now. Believe me, he knows. So does MacCallum.

Crow pointed out that the Trump/Biden debate happened before Joe Biden or Trump were their party’s official nominee. “So, what has changed is my question,” Crow said.

Then he proceeded to answer it. For good measure, Crow highlighted Trump’s advanced age and apparent inability to stay awake, even at such important moments like his criminal trial and quite possibly at the RNC convention.

CROW: I think the obvious answer is, is Donald Trump is afraid. He's afraid of this change. He's acting like it. Listen, I'm a combat veteran. I know fear and fatigue when I see it, and he's acting tired and he’s acting afraid here.

You know, someone needs to wake him up and I know he has a hard time staying awake. He fell asleep repeatedly at his own nominating convention. He fell asleep repeatedly at his own criminal trial. Someone needs to wake him up and let them know the next generation of American leadership is here and it’s on.

You know that Crow’s rhetorical punches hit a nerve because Fox host Martha MacCallum rolled her eyes to let viewers know she’s on Team Trump and to discredit her own guest.

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