The civil case we should expect next is the suit brought against the municipality of Ferguson and its police department for the wrongful death of Michael Brown. Attorney Bob Massi, who made his fame as an analyst back in the mid 1990's with the O.J. Trial, is the go-to-guy for any, and all race-related, legal issues. Fox News sought Massi for his 'expertise' on matters of law and race.
In a case that is unorthodox in so many ways, protesters have taken to the streets worldwide to protest the grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson. The case was unusual for many reasons and this graphic explains a few of the anomalies.

But none of these details are crucial to the folks at Fox News who see this case as simply a police officer acting within the confines of the law. Doocy and Massi believe the false premise that white Americans warrant the same affirmative action-protection as the people who started their lives in America, for 300 plus years, in bondage, being bought and sold like chattel.
Ambulance chaser, Bob Massi is elucidating what he believes is THE real problem. It's very simple. Black people needlessly worry about being marginalized in a society that has bent over backwards to put African American males on a pedestal. The mere existence of a black president and a black attorney general absolve our society of any and all racism, henceforth. Doocy plays a clip from Eric Holder to prove their point.
Eric Holder:
It is clear, I think, that acts of violence threaten to drown out the voices of those who have legitimate voices, legitimate demonstrators that these acts of violence that can not and will not be condoned.
Steve Doocy:
He's not going to condone it, GREAT!
Massi goes into a rant,
"He is our lawyer for the country. He represents all colors, all races and all origins in this country...he should be saying, as my lawyer, ok he's my lawyer, as a white man in america, he should be saying, (bangs desk) these people (These people meaning the dreaded black people that are causing all the problems and still get all the breaks in society) should be prosecuted. He should be saying that these people ruined "good people's" businesses, who may never recover in this country. Instead he says we are pursuing a federal investigation as it relates to what happened. But oh by the way we can't condone (violence). Ticker tape parade at my place when this guy (Holder) is gone, to say that as Attorney General in this country as if he only represents one contingency is outrageous, and that's exactly why when he went there several months ago, and made a statement, you make that statement as a private citizen. You do not make that statement when my tax dollars are paying for you as Attorney General, you represent me as well as every other color in this country and I'm sick of it because this guy is as prejudiced as anybody else that walks in this situation. Not that I don't have an opinion
Steve Doocy wisely concludes that it looks like AG Holder, who should be a law man, is being political and Massi certainly isn't alone in his sentiments. He's got a whole network here who are pro-Wilson.
It just so happens that right from the outset of the Ferguson case, when protests erupted in August, Massi went on Fox News to bash President Obama for making the case political too. Just because he's black and the cops seem to have an affinity for murdering unarmed black Americans, doesn't make this case worthy of his comment.
That's the whole problem in a nutshell. Black leaders shouldn't be defending black men. Black men have nothing to fear from the cops. It's not like these officers, who unjustifiably shoot men of color, never seem to face criminal charges or anything. This is, once again, the figment of the imaginations on the left.
No one should be outraged about the killing of Michael Brown, at least after the picture the right wing painted of the black youth being "a thug." Fox News always takes the side of the white aggressor, never the black victim. They will search under every rock and orifice to find a white person willing to support their contorted narrative.