May 13, 2015

Glenn Beck is so twisted up in all his reasons for hating that he doesn't really know what he's saying anymore, but this moment is so weird I had to share.

It begins with a discussion of President Obama's proposal for free community college, and goes downhill from there.

Right Wing Watch:

During his radio broadcast this morning, Glenn Beck and his co-hosts ended up engaged in a discussion about the cost of attending college, which eventually turned into an attack on President Obama's proposal to offer two free years of community college to students who meet specific requirements.

While co-host Stu Burguiere said that the proposal was just the first step down a slippery slope that would eventually lead to free college for everyone everywhere as part of an attempt to bankrupt the country and make everyone dependent upon the government, Beck said that student loans are really an attempt by the government to enslave its citizens.

See if you can follow his "logic." Remember now, we're talking about free community college.

Because once they give you this for free, there is going to be work involved ... I think you're going to have to pay these things back. Why is it the federal government guarantees these things and makes it the only thing that you can't wipe off? You can go bankrupt and you can wipe off houses, cars, and everything else, but not your educational debt. You must pay your educational debt. Okay, alright. So now when people can't pay their educational debt, what do they have to do? Well, why don't you serve your country? I think our children are going to be enslaved by this debt.

Like they're not now?

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