Erick Erickson Suddenly Finds His Conscience, Cancels Trump Appearance

Erickson has suddenly decided sexism is a terrible thing.

Have your fainting couches nearby please, because I am about to tell you that Donald Trump said a thing, and the thing he said was vile and sexist.

I know, I'm shocked too. While speaking to CNN's Don Lemon Friday night about Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly, Trump told Lemon that "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever."

This bit of performance art sent formerly-amoral Erick Erickson into paroxysms of suddenly-discovered righteous indignation, whereupon he "disinvited" Trump from his speaking gig at the Red State gathering in Georgia and chivalrously invited Megyn Kelly to speak in his place.

Oh, what a man. A true Galahad. I'm sure his white horse is lurking right around the corner.

Keep in mind, this sudden burst of indignation is coming from the same man who said...

But wait! That was the 2010 collection. We're not done yet.

In 2012, Erickson had no problem sneering at Tammy Duckworth's military service so he could defend deadbeat dad Joe Walsh's sexist comments about her.

In 2013, his first column for Fox News led off with this lovely imagery:

The editors of the New York Times often come across as school girls at a Justin Bieber concert when it comes to the Democrats. Thursday, they upped their school girl skirt just a bit more for the Democrats.

Blood didn't give him the vapors when he alluded to a possible need for mass bloodshed should Roe v. Wade not be overturned.

Just last week, he referred to Planned Parenthood (headed up by a woman) as the "American Josef Mengele."

Yet he has the vapors over Donald Trump's gross, but hardly comparable remarks?

Usually wingers rely on genuine righteous indignation from the left to rise up after remarks like these, so that they can blame whatever horrible consequences might fall on the heads of those who said the Horrible Thing on lefty outrage. But this time Erickson stepped right into the breach.


Either Roger Ailes really is the head of the Republican Party and gave marching orders to begin the Marginalization of Trump, or...well, there is no other possibility that I can imagine.

One thing I know for sure. A man who refers unapologetically to a Supreme Court Justice as a goat-fcking child molester is not at all shocked by what Donald Trump said. That's just cover for him to keep him out of the Red State Gathering and begin Trump shunning, per orders.

Update: Raw Story reminds that Erickson was the inventor of the "abortion Barbie" epithet tossed at Wendy Davis.

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