Peter Douchey, son of Steve the Dooce and Anna Kooiman were looking for a feel-good story for their viewers who have been inundated with quite a bit of fear-mongering lately. Dontcha' know that ignorant bubble-dwellers, bombarded with terror alerts, sometimes need a break too? Let's head down to Harris County, with a population that is 79.3% White. By golly, there's plenty of fine, god-fearing Christians to be found in a 'virtuous' Red State like Georgia. I reckon this will be the much-needed pick me up after a day of gluttony and perhaps too much of the drink for the Fox faithful.
The big issue on the agenda today, is that the County Sheriff, who claims to have paid for this Christian-themed $553.00 sign with his own money, put it up at the behest of his staff who all share the same sentiment: love my Christian God, Faith and made-up Holiday or simply LEAVE. Sheriff Mike Jolley said that the twenty years he spent in the military was to provide people with the freedom to agree or disagree, which he calls free speech. Yet, he sees nothing wrong with the very same Constitution he defended being lambasted with the forbidden establishment of a state religion. Love it or leave it isn't exactly the verbal foundation of a truly free society. It sounds quite a bit like Trump's fascism. When someone disagrees, the crowd and Future Fuhrer unite in telling the paid thugs to 'get him the hell outta here!'
Sheriff Mike Jolley installed the sign Tuesday. Jolley tells local media that he paid for the sign himself and wanted to give voice to what he considers to be a "silent majority." (those poor persecuted Christians, the victims once again!) Jolley says he has received overwhelming support from the community and plans to install more of the signs around the county. Some residents have offered to pay for them.
Patheos, a publication that reports on violations to the dreaded non-believers/atheists, said it well.
Nothing on it is technically illegal. But it’s the sort of “Christian cheer” that includes a subtle “fuck you” to anyone who might hold a different belief.... Also, that sign is just begging to be photoshopped…
Thanks to one of the fine readers at Patheos, thy will be done. Short but sweet photoshopping always works best.