The plutocratic Abele is facing a tough opponent in this spring's election in State Senator Chris Larson. In a debate on Monday, Abele showed just how out of touch he is with the African American community when he said that he was helping them by improving the programming and the food service at the Milwaukee County House of Correction (an extension of the Milwaukee County Jail) and by improving child support enforcement.
What makes Abele's comments even more egregious is that he said the same damn thing last fall, when he was presenting his proposed 2016 budget to the county board.
The fact that six months later, if improving the prison system is still his go-to answer for how he is helping African Americans, even after all the backlash he got from his comments last fall, well, to only goes to show that Abele just doesn't care about the black community. Along with this is the fact that since Abele lost the City of Milwaukee, where the largest African American community in the state is, he has written them off and just appealing to the conservative and predominately white suburbs.
Regardless of his reasoning, it is just more proof that Abele needs to go.