A group of six former "The Apprentice" contestants have come out an blasted Donald Trump during a presser this morning.
Kwame Jackson, a season one runner-up, told his audience "this is no time to run or be silent. It is my turn to stand tall at the breach and speak loudly at the precipice of fascism."
He said Trump doesn't have the right "temperament" to be president," and added, "to the lowest common denominator of fear, racism and divisiveness in our populace."
"Let us choose Kennedy over Kardashianism, each and every time as a leading nation. Muhammad Ali over McCarthyism. That is why I defiantly stand up. "
Donald Trump released a statement bashing his former contestants:
In a statement, Trump called the former contestants "six failing wannabes out of hundreds of contestants."
"How quickly they forget. Nobody would know who they are if it weren't for me," he said, adding, "They just want to get back into the limelight like they had when they were with Trump. Total dishonesty and disloyalty."
And the Clown Car continues on.