May 14, 2024

If you don't love Jasmine Crockett, well, I just don't know about you.

She is a happy warrior, slicing & dicing Republicans--particularly those right in front of her like sad-sack-propagandist, Jim Jordan. In fact, she calls Jim Jordan a Russian propagandist in this video, RIGHT TO HIS FACE. She impugns the integrity and patriotism of Jim's GOP colleagues too--God, has this group of MAGA creeps earned it--and even calls Donald Trump the "C" word!!

Yep, Jasmine, like Eric Swalwell, Stacey Plaskett, Gretchen Whitmer, Jamie Raskin, Ted Lieu, AOC, Gavin Newsom, Hakeem Jeffries, Adam Schiff...and I could go on, are our future. Gen X and below are taking over, and they get that you stay on offense, use social media to your advantage, control the narrative, pin the lying arses of Republican traitors to the wall--without mercy--mock them, humiliate them, send a clear message to anyone watching they're complete jokers. Because they are.

This is yet another glorious exposition of all of the above by Jasmine Crockett. We're damn lucky to have her. You REALLY should watch to see how she does it. Then head over to my channel, "Cliff's Edge," and SUBSCRIBE! B/c we highlight Dems kicking butt and Repubs getting destroyed every single day.

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