Life imitates art and on occasion, it's downright scary. No person represents the debauchery and devolution of America better than Donald Trump. Some of us, especially at this site, have noticed how dangerous a country run by Trump and his sycophants would be.
Every time Trump opens his mouth and reveals his thoughts, which are essentially the musings of an impetuous toddler, he creates an urgent call to action. People feel they must do something to stop the catastrophic dystopia that a Trump Administration would create. The writers and stars of Idiocracy have noticed how Trump's supporters and colleagues would hasten the intellectual devastation of the United States.
Early in the 2016 primary race, comedy screenwriter Etan Cohen began to notice some similarities between the Republican candidate, mendacious former reality star Donald Trump, and Cohen’s 2006 movie Idiocracy, which features fictional wrestling champ-turned-president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (Terry Crews). Ever since, those similarities have only grown, leading to Cohen and Mike Judge, who wrote and also directed Idiocracy, now working on a series of anti-Trump ads with Crews reprising his role.
Cohen and Judge have always maintained that the movie had a kernel of truth to it, but, Cohen said, “We just thought it would take much, much longer to get to this point.” The film was meant as a satire of the obsession with celebrity and entertainment culture in America. “Obviously, when writing the movie, we knew that that was true about TV and movies and pop culture,” he said. “But it was a crazy joke to think that it could be extrapolated to politics. It seems to be happening really rapidly.”
Given the fact that the movie was supposed be set 500 years in the future, the uncanny resemblance to some of Amurkkka's current Libertarian nightmares (AKA Kansas), to the futuristic hellscape of 2505, we must do anything we can to stop this ticking time bomb. Celebrities and reality TV shows are the last hope we have to change the hearts and minds of those who are duped by the bombastic reality show candidate, a man who exhibits frightening capriciousness with regards to nuclear weapons.
We have already joked about our Supreme Court Justices wearing sponsors on their judicial robes, so, how is that unlike the judicial system in this movie?

I'm sure that you, like many of us, are dreading much of the remainder of this campaign season. However, it would certainly liven things up to see 'President Camacho' poking fun at Herr Drumpf, no doubt. Can you imagine the ensuing Twitter-war?
On topic: This not safe for work video from Cracked (last October) makes many connections on the whole Idiocracy thing.