Keegan Michael Key perfectly encapsulates our collective rage, horror and disgust at the thought of Trump replacing our beloved President Obama. *NSFW (language)
January 7, 2017

The video is NOT WORK SAFE.

Thursday's Daily Show hosted this final installment of Key and Peele's Obama anger translator, Luther, a.k.a. Keegan-Michael Key. of the Luther sketch, and boy is it fantastic. The language is NSFW, so beware of a few well-placed eff bombs. In this particular instance, the language is more than appropriate.

You may remember when Luther made an appearance last year as our outgoing POTUS's sidekick at the Washington Correspondents Dinner:

In the latest installment, When 'Obama,' aka Jordan Peele, says that 'the people have spoken,' Luther replies with, "This is how 'The Hunger Games' start!" Luther also expresses, rather bluntly, that no matter how you try to spin it, Americans simply ARE divided. In other words, 'Americans can't f*cking stand each other.' Isn't that the truth!

Luther's solution to these next four years? He books a four-year stay at the Ice Hotel in Sweden for the Obama family and Bo, their pooch. What about Sunny?

This will definitely lift your spirits, but it's bittersweet given the fact that it's the last Luther.

Or is it?

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