Hey wait a minute I thought General Kelly was going to put a lid on Donald Trump's off-the-rails tweeting....
Actually, Blumenthal was talking about preventing YOU, Donald, from firing Robert Mueller. You know you're being stymied on all sides and that Mueller is looking into your finances and he's going to find crimes in there.
And apparently, President Bone Spurs forgot that putting the words "Viet Nam" and "con artist" in the same tweet might remind people of that interview he had with Howard Stern about his sex life in the 1980's. He told Stern that avoiding venereal disease was his "personal Viet Nam" and agreed with Howard that vaginas are like "potential landmines." Howard Stern indicates that the second comment is something Trump said to him in private.
And Brian Stelter on CNN International's 'Connect the World' has a very non-chalant way of telling his that man-baby is out of control and nuts:
BECKY ANDERSON (HOST): This is extraordinary that we're seeing this tit-for-tat tweeting. It tells us so much.
BRIAN STELTER: It is a rainy day in New Jersey and that matters because the president is tweeting a lot. He's at his golf resort in Bedminster. It's a miserable day. Maybe that's why he turned on the television early on and was reacting to CNN and to "The New York Times" and other outlets that he frequently criticizes. This is also notable because it's been one week since the new chief of staff John Kelly took over. There was lots of speculation, lots of suggestions that maybe Kelly would try to rein in the tweeting habits...by day eight but that hasn't happened, at least not yet.
No one has been able to take away Trump's Twitter in 200 days as president. Ivanka, Pence, public opinion, nothing has done it. General Kelly was not going to do it, and everyone knows that.
Stay tuned for the rest of the video, where they discuss the fact that Pence doth protest too much when it comes to 2020.