November 29, 2017

With the avalanche of sexual harassment charges coming out on a near daily basis, it was only a matter of time before Geraldo Rivera decided to share his opinion with us. And seriously, he is the last person anyone cares to hear from.

Here is his first tweet:

So he is demanding allegations be made public in 5 years? Does he have something that goes back, say, 6 years that he is afraid of?

And he is also demanding proof that a sexual assault happened - witnesses or electronic or written communication? Because let me tell you, often there are witnesses and electronic communication following sexual assault - like it always happens in a room with more people and the perpetrator always sends an email or text saying "hey, sorry I raped you" /SARCASM.

Seriously, Geraldo?

Geraldo's meltdown continued while he was trying to defend his buddy, Matt Lauer, by tweeting that "News is flirty business."

Why is Geraldo all of a sudden concerned with "flirting" and this 5 year time period? Well, this video clip of Bette Midler from 1991 might shed some light. In the clip, Midler was being interviewed by Barbara Walters and they talked about Geraldo - specifically his penchant for flirting.

Splinter News reports that back in 1991, Geraldo published a book called "Exposing Myself" (ironic title, all things considered) in which he actually describes an encounter with Bette Midler. He said:

“We were in the bathroom, preparing for the interview, and at some point I put my hands on her breasts.”

He called it a "thrilling moment."

I call it sexual assault.

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