November 27, 2017

For those who chose to take a break from social media for the last few days, you missed the fiasco of the Thanksgiving break: Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied about baking a chocolate pecan pie. Here is her tweet, bragging about baking:

Welp, a quick reverse image search discovered that this photo was literally lifted from PBS

And then people went in

And then this astute observation:

April Ryan also got into the mix, getting into a heated back and forth with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It ended with Sanders offering to bake a pie for Ryan. Lovely.

Joy Ann Reid covered the back-and-forth and said this:

“While we at AM Joy cannot verify whether or not Sanders baked that pie, I think the clear moral here is that when you spend every day lying to the press and to the American people on behalf of your boss, the President, after a while people don’t believe you, not even regarding the authenticity of your holiday pie.”

When you lie about the little things, we can't trust you to tell the truth about anything at all.

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