I expect Republicans to steal. Hell, that’s almost something they list with pride on their campaign materials for the primary.
August 15, 2018

So Republican Bekah Halat is running for the Alaska State Senate.

Bekah is a damn mess.

Halat and her husband, Jarek Halat, were charged last week with one count of felony theft for allegedly collecting more than $10,000 in food stamps that they shouldn’t have qualified for. They also face one misdemeanor charge for misleading a public servant.

Yeah, they were both working, living in a $280,000 house and paying a $2,000 a month mortgage, but they really needed that extra $662. a month for food. So, they lied about their income.

I expect Republicans to steal. Hell, that’s almost something they list with pride on their campaign materials for the primary.

But the Republican behavior is what I find amusing. Halat blamed her opponent for her theft. She claimed the criminal charges (which say she admitted to being dishonest and asked to repay the food stamps) were “false allegations from those trying to steal the election.”

“People have learned a lot about me, but there’s a lot more they have to learn if they think I’m going to just curl up in a ball and let someone else represent me and my district through attacking my family.”

Shuddup. Just shuddup.

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